Ontourio s06 e06 (Season Finale) is our last bout of shows for 2017, before we hunker down in the studio to write more music. We’re playing with some longtime buds and some hopefully future buds, and bringing a brand new human road pup with us – Noah! Please tell yr buds in: TORONTO, OTTAWA, OAKVILLE, LONDON, MONTREAL and MONCTON.
< Overall Tour Event >
< Toronto Event >
< Ottawa Event >
< Oakville Event >
< London Event >
< Montreal Event >
< Moncton Event >
Oh, did we say that we get to open for the Sadies in Montreal? wowwwwwwwww.
It’s been a very busy year fer yer mums. By my estimation, we played about 80 shows from Alberta to Newfoundland, recorded a full-length album, made some collaborative tunes with Owen, were nominated for a Music NB award, bought a new van and a ton of new gear. Phew. Maybe we’ll do a year-end recap at the actual year-end, but for now, just phew.